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Our Insomnia section will take a closer look at this troubling condition, find out why it is affecting so many people and explain why doing nothing is not an option.

According to a recent survey over 10 million adults have difficulty sleeping every single night. When the study was extended to a one-week period it revealed that a further 16 million adults suffer from sleeplessness at least once per week. When the study was extended to a one-month period almost half of the adult population reported difficulty falling asleep on at least one occasion.

Whether it is the difficulty getting to sleep, staying asleep or frequent awakenings throughout the night we will explain the causes of Insomnia, explore the different types of insomnia and discover exactly what can be done to repair the body's natural sleep wake cycle otherwise known as the circadian rhythm.

What is Insomnia?

Named after Somnus the roman god of sleep, Insomnia is a sleep disorder defined as the difficulty or inability to sleep despite ample opportunity. The condition is usually followed by daytime drowsiness, irritability, depression and low levels of energy or motivation. Sufferers of this condition are more likely to have problems focusing or learning and are at an increased chance of being involved in a motor vehicle accident.

The diagnosis of this condition depends on two factors, firstly establishing if the patient experiences difficulties getting to sleep despite adequate opportunity to do so. And secondly, if they are affected by daytime impairment as a result of the poor quality or lack of sleep. If these difficulties are experienced in the short term (up to 3 months) then the insomnia is considered as acute. If the symptoms persist for at least 3 days per week for at least 3 months, the condition is considered as chronic.

Circadian rhythms are gradually developed during the first months of life and help control biological patterns including body temperature and blood pressure. They are regarded as the body's internal clock and increase desire for sleep between midnight and dawn and to a lesser degree in mid-afternoon. They also play an important role in our physical and mental health.

When our circadian rhythm is properly aligned we are more likely to experience deep and restorative sleep, whereas when our circadian rhythm is off we are more prone to experience sleeping problems. Whether it is the difficulty falling asleep, frequent awakenings or waking up early and being unable to get back to sleep experts believe that if patients can realign the circadian rhythm they can restore their normal sleep wake cycle.

Types of Insomnia

Insomnia can be split into two main types, Acute (short-term) and Chronic (long term). Acute also known as adjustment insomnia lasts for less than 3 months and is usually the result of acute situational stress such as an accident, bereavement, moving house or changing job. Short term sleeplessness can also be the result of withdrawal from alcohol or drugs including marijuana.

The condition is considered chronic when a patient is unable to sleep for at least 3 nights per week for at least 3 months. Like acute versions of the condition the causes are many and varied although It is often associated with a stressful situation or chronic medical or psychiatric condition.

Other types of Insomnia include transient, onset, maintenance and behavioural insomnia. Transient usually lasts for less than 1 week and is usually caused by another disorder or a sudden change to the sleeping environment. Onset is the inability to sleep even though you are ready to. Maintenance is the inability to stay asleep throughout the night. It usually involves waking up at least once per night with the difficulty getting back to sleep. Behavioural insomnia is when children experience difficulty falling or staying asleep.

The importance of good sleep hygiene in preventing sleeping problems cannot be underestimated. Sleep hygiene is the term that describes sleeping habits and behaviours. It is believed that by following a set routine that involves going to bed and getting up at the same time every day (including weekends), removing all electrical devices from the bedroom, making sure the bedroom is both dark and quiet and at the correct temperature people are able to sleep better. It may sound like the basics but if people follow these simple guidelines they have a far greater chance of overcoming sleeping problems.

Insomnia causes

Although the causes of sleeplessness are complex and vary depending on the individual there are a number of steps that can be taken to minimize this condition with a view to eradicating it completely. Before we take a closer look at these steps we first need to understand the causes of the sleeplessness.

The most common triggers for insomnia are anxiety, stress and depression. Being unable to sleep is stressful and when we experience stress we are more likely to experience anxious thoughts and suffer from anxiety. This build-up of anxiety makes it more difficult to sleep and all too often people find themselves in a vicious circle where getting enough sleep becomes more difficult to achieve.

Lifestyle can also play a part in our sleeping pattern. Napping in the afternoon can make it difficult to get back to sleep at night just as sleeping late can confuse the body clock and make it difficult to establish a regular pattern. Alcohol and caffeine are regarded as stimulants and as such the use of these should be limited before bedtime. Nicotine although different to alcohol and caffeine is still a stimulant and can affect sleep. Watching TV, playing video games or using electronic devices also stimulate the brain and use should be minimized before bedtime.

It is not uncommon for people to experience difficulty sleeping if they do shift work or have been traveling. Additional lifestyle factors including noise and light pollution can lead to problems sleeping. Having a room hotter or colder than normal can make it both difficult to get to sleep and cause frequent awakenings once asleep. Having a light on or sleeping during the day can trick the brain into thinking it is time to be awake and make it more difficult to get to sleep, this is especially relevant for shift workers. Patients recovering from alcohol or drug addiction can also experience chronic bouts of sleeplessness.

Just about every condition that causes pain can disrupt our sleep. Whether it is trying to get comfortable enough to get to sleep or the endless hours spent dwelling on the pain and recovery process. In order to establish the cause of the sleeplessness patients may be advised to take an Insomnia test.

Insomnia Test

Adults on average require seven to nine hours of sleep per night, this is widely regarded as the length of time it takes for the body to repair itself and keep the immune system strong, it also helps regulate weight, lowers the risk of diabetes and heart disease and makes sure we perform at our best. It is also known to improve mood, reduce stress and help with clarity of thought.

Children require nine to thirteen hours of sleep per night on average, this not only helps with physical and mental development it also improves behaviour, learning, attention span and memory. Toddlers and babies require twelve to seventeen hours of sleep per day.

If a patient is unable to get sufficient sleep their doctor may perform a sleep disorder or insomnia test. The comprehensive test involves patients providing details of their medical and sleep history, keeping a Sleep diary (by tracking sleeping patterns doctors can diagnose the cause of the sleeplessness) and conducting a number of tests including an Epworth sleepiness scale (a questionnaire that is used to assess daytime sleepiness), a polysomnogram (a test that measures activity during sleep) and an actigraphy (in which the patient wears a sensory device for 1 week to monitor rest/activity cycles). Finally, patients will be required to take a mental health examination, this is to ensure there is no underlying psychological problems.

Depending on the severity of the sleep condition, doctors will devise a treatment plan that includes Cognitive behavioural therapy and a course of sleep aid medication to help re-establish the body's natural sleep wake cycle otherwise known as the circadian rhythm.

CBT for Insomnia Treatment

Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is a type of psychotherapy which challenges negative thoughts and attitude about oneself and the world in an attempt to alter unwanted behaviour patterns or to treat disorders such as depression, anxiety and sleeping problems. By targeting the underlying causes of the sleeplessness CBT can improve sleeping habits without sleep aid medication.

When CBT is used in conjunction with a sleep aid medication it can help a patient establish a regular sleeping pattern that can be continued after the sleep aid medication has been stopped. It is however important that patients implement a schedule that includes a tapering off period. This is when the dosage of the medication is gradually reduced until it is no longer required.

Insomnia Helpers

If you have taken the insomnia test, and you have exhausted all other avenues (such as CBT for Insomnia) and still suffer from regular sleepless nights, you may benefit from using insomnia helpers. The insomnia tab and sleeping pill are often referred to as insomnia helpers because they are specially designed to provide relief from insomnia and sleep deprivation in a very short space of time. There are two main types of insomnia helpers available which are benzodiazepines and non-benzodiazepines ( Z drugs ). People that use insomnia helpers can generally restore their sleeping pattern in less than 4 weeks.

Because insomnia helpers are so effective at effortlessly inducing sleep, they are only designed to be used for a short period of time. Using insomnia helpers for longer than they are designed to be used for can increase the chance of users experiencing unwanted side effects, or developing tolerance and becoming addicted to the medication.

These medicines can be sourced from a local pharmacy with a prescription, people that do not have time to get a prescription generally buy sleeping tablets online instead.

Insomnia Helpers Review

We have compiled a brief insomnia helpers review for you which contains the best insomnia helpers in order of popularity - all of which are available for sale on our website:

# Insomnia Helpers Insomnia Helpers Review
1 Zopiclone Zopiclone or Imovane is a non-benzodiazepine Z drug class of medication. It begins working in as little as 30 minutes and lasts for 7 - 8 hours on average.
2 Zolpidem Zolpidem or Ambien is a non-benzodiazepine Z drug class of medication. It begins working in 30 - 60 minutes and lasts for at least 7 - 8 hours.
3 Nitrazepam Nitrazepam or Mogadon is a benzodiazepine class of medication. It begins working in 30 - 60 minutes and lasts for 6 - 8 hours on average.
4 Eszopiclone Eszopiclone or Lunesta is a non-benzodiazepine Z drug also known as a sedative hypnotic. It begins working in as little as 15 minutes and should be taken just before bed. It lasts for 8 hours on average.

Insomnia Medication Online

If you are suffering from insomnia on a regular basis and sleep deprivation is causing distress, you might benefit from trying insomnia medication for a short period of time. There are a wide range of sleeping pills , many of which are available over the counter without a prescription when bought at an online pharmacy.

All goods sold at our online pharmacy are available to people over the age of 18 years. We accept all major forms of payment such as debit/credit card, bank transfer and cryptocurrency payments (yes, we accept Bitcoin). Discounts are available on all products based on quantity, and the best deals are generally for the larger amounts. People that pay using Bitcoin can expect to receive extra free pills as well as benefit from free delivery.

To view a full list of insomnia helpers and buy insomnia medication visit .

Last Reviewed: 24th July 2024
Next Review Due: August 2025

Zaleplon Reviews

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